Children s Mathematics

With a focus on children's mathematical thinking, this second edition adds new material on the mathematical principles underlying children's strategies, a new online video that illustrates student teacher interaction, and examines the ...

Author: Thomas P. Carpenter

Publisher: Heinemann Educational Books

ISBN: 0325052875

Category: Education

Page: 256

View: 850

With a focus on children's mathematical thinking, this second edition adds new material on the mathematical principles underlying children's strategies, a new online video that illustrates student teacher interaction, and examines the relationship between CGI and the Common Core State Standards for Mathematics.

Extending Children s Mathematics

Three themes appear throughout the book: building meaning for fractions and decimals through discussing and solving word problems the progression of children's strategies for solving fraction word problems and equations from direct modeling ...

Author: Susan B. Empson

Publisher: Heinemann Educational Books

ISBN: 0325030537

Category: Education

Page: 242

View: 758

"With the collaboration of a number of dedicated teachers and their students, Susan Empson and Linda Levi have produced a volume that is faithful to the basic principles of CGI while at the same time covering new ground with insight and innovation." -Thomas P. Carpenter This highly anticipated follow-up volume to the landmark Children's Mathematics: Cognitively Guided Instruction addresses the urgent need to help teachers understand and teach fraction concepts. Fractions remain one of the key stumbling blocks in math education, and here Empson and Levi lay a foundation for understanding fractions and decimals in ways that build conceptual learning. They show how the same kinds of intuitive knowledge and sense making that provides the basis for children's learning of whole number arithmetic can be extended to fractions and decimals. Just as they did in Children's Mathematics and Thinking Mathematically, Empson and Levi provide important insights into children's thinking and alternative approaches to solving problems. Three themes appear throughout the book: building meaning for fractions and decimals through discussing and solving word problems the progression of children's strategies for solving fraction word problems and equations from direct modeling through relational thinking designing instruction that capitalizes on students' relational thinking strategies to integrate algebra into teaching and learning fractions. With illuminating examples of student work, classroom vignettes, "Teacher Commentaries" from the field, sample problems and instructional guides provided in each chapter, you'll have all the tools you need to teach fractions and decimals with understanding and confidence.

Children s Mathematics

Contained in this Guide is suggestions for implementing a Professional Development Program, a selected annotated bibliography, and a selection of resources such as sample workshop agendas and worksheets.

Author: Thomas P. Carpenter

Publisher: Heinemann Educational Books

ISBN: 0325006415

Category: Education

Page: 80

View: 425

Contained in this Guide is suggestions for implementing a Professional Development Program, a selected annotated bibliography, and a selection of resources such as sample workshop agendas and worksheets.

Young Children s Mathematics

This book is for pre-K to 1st grade and shows how teachers can promote math development in ways that honor children's thinking.--

Author: Thomas P. Carpenter


ISBN: 0325078122

Category: Education


View: 599

Conducting Productive Meetings

Priyan spends his time in New York and Sri Lanka where he also advises the government of Sri Lanka. ... Dr. Franke has coauthored several books: Children's Mathematics, Second Edition: Cognitively Guided Instruction; Young Children's ...

Author: Teruni Lamberg

Publisher: Rowman & Littlefield

ISBN: 9781475841329

Category: Education

Page: 134

View: 813

Successful leaders have excellent communication with their team and stakeholders. Learn strategies used by highly effective leaders who have led teams to innovate. Eight innovative leaders whose work has made an impact nationally and internationally and seven K-12 leaders who have amazing track records share how they communicate with their team and stakeholders. The author also shares her insights on leading a statewide professional development project in Nevada. A leader must structure activities such as meetings and informal interactions to create optimal conditions to generate and refine ideas. Readers will gain specific strategies to use in meetings to move ideas from the brainstorming stage to more refined ideas that result in innovative theories, products or services. Considering the needs of the customer and engaging them in the design process is an important part of innovating. Readers will also learn how to structure meetings and activities to generate and refine ideas. The author also presents a framework that is backed up by research in business and creativity.

Thinking Mathematically

Looks at how children build on their emerging knowledge of arithmetic to provide a foundation for learning algebra, and describes a number of types of problems and forms of questioning for eliciting children's thinking and for fostering ...

Author: Thomas P. Carpenter


ISBN: 032507819X



View: 672

Handbook of Formative Assessment in the Disciplines

Children's mathematics, cognitively guided instruction (2nd edition). Portsmouth, NH: Heinemann. Cohen, D. K. (1990). A revolution in one classroom: The case of Mrs. Oublier. Educational Evaluation and Policy Analysis, 12, 311–330.

Author: Heidi L. Andrade

Publisher: Routledge

ISBN: 9781351681476

Category: Education

Page: 282

View: 996

The Handbook of Formative Assessment in the Disciplines meaningfully addresses current developments in the field, offering a unique and timely focus on domain dependency. Building from an updated definition of formative assessment, the book covers the integration of measurement principles into practice; the operationalization of formative assessment within specific domains, beyond generic strategies; evolving research directions including student involvement and self-regulation; and new approaches to the challenges of incorporating formative assessment training into pre-service and in-service educator training. As supporters of large-scale testing programs increasingly consider the potential of formative assessments to improve teaching and learning, this handbook advances the subject through novel frameworks, intersections of theory, research, and practice, and attention to discernible disciplines. Written for instructors, graduate students, researchers, and policymakers, each chapter provides expert perspectives on the procedures and evaluations that enable teachers to adapt teaching and learning in-process toward student achievement.

Scottish Education

Online at EffectiveTeachersofNumeracy.pdf Carpenter, T., Fennema, E., Franke, M., Levi, L. and Empson, S. (2015) Children's Mathematics: Cognitively Guided Instruction, second edition.

Author: T. G. K. Bryce

Publisher: Edinburgh University Press

ISBN: 9781474437851

Category: Education

Page: 1120

View: 417

Interrogates the rise of national philosophies and their impact on cosmopolitanism and nationalism.

Qualitative Research in STEM

Children's mathematics: Cognitively Guided Instruction, Second Edition. Portsmouth, NH: Heinemann. Celedón, S., & Ramirez, N. G. (2012). Beyond good teaching: Advancing mathematics education for ELLs. Reston, VA: National Council of ...

Author: Sherry Marx

Publisher: Routledge

ISBN: 9781317385196

Category: Education

Page: 322

View: 312

Qualitative Research in STEM examines the groundbreaking potential of qualitative research methods to address issues of social justice, equity, and sustainability in STEM. A collection of empirical studies conducted by prominent STEM researchers, this book examines the experiences and challenges faced by traditionally marginalized groups in STEM, most notably culturally and linguistically diverse students and women. Investigations into these issues, as well as the high dropout rate among engineering students and issues of academic integrity in STEM, come with detailed explanations of the study methodologies used in each case. Contributors also provide personal narratives that share their perspectives on the benefits of qualitative research methodologies for the topics explored. Through a variety of qualitative methodologies, including participatory action research, Indigenous research, and critical ethnography, this volume aims to reveal and remedy the inequalities within STEM education today.

Mathematical Discourse  Let the Kids Talk

Carpenter, Thomas P., Elizabeth Fennema, Megan Loef L. Franke, Linda Levi, and Susan B. Empson. 2015. Children's Mathematics: Cognitively Guided Instruction. 2nd edition. Portsmouth, NH: Heinemann/Reston, VA: NCTM. Carter, Susan. 2008.

Author: Barbara Blanke

Publisher: Shell Education

ISBN: 9780743922333

Category: Education

Page: 184

View: 166

This invaluable resource provides teachers with the tools they need to facilitate mathematical discourse and create opportunities for students to think constructively, communicate effectively, and increase mathematics proficiency. This book will help teachers develop a new set of pedagogical skills and strategies to assess, plan, and organize their classrooms in a manner that is conducive to mathematical discourse. With helpful tips and strategies that are easy to implement, this standards-based book supports an equitable learning environment by encouraging active listening, clear communication, justification of perspective, and acknowledgement of students' experiences. Each chapter includes Culturally and Linguistically Responsive Teaching and Learning strategies to address cultural norms for diverse populations, and support the needs of English language learners. With tips for implementing Math Talks and Number Talks, this resource will get students thinking like mathematicians in no time.

Understanding Children s Mathematical Thinking

Author: Debra Jean Biddick


ISBN: OCLC:56831377

Category: Cognitive learning

Page: 122

View: 793

Resources in Education

ED 445 512 Families in Children's Literature : A Resource Guide , Grades 4-8 . ED 445 94211 Growing Up and ... Campaign for Action : Compact for Learning and Citizenship National Study Group on Citizenship in K - 12 Schools . ED 445 986 ...



ISBN: MINN:30000007201415

Category: Education


View: 422

Math Fact Fluency

Journal for Research in Mathematics Education, 24(5), 428–441. Carpenter, T. P., Fennema, E., Franke, M. L., Levi, L., & Empson, S. (2014). Children's mathematics: Cognitively guided instruction (2nd ed.). Portsmouth, NH: Heinemann.

Author: Jennifer Bay-Williams

Publisher: ASCD

ISBN: 9781416627227

Category: Education

Page: 188

View: 664

Mastering the basic facts for addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division is an essential goal for all students. Most educators also agree that success at higher levels of math hinges on this fundamental skill. But what's the best way to get there? Are flash cards, drills, and timed tests the answer? If so, then why do students go into the upper elementary grades (and beyond) still counting on their fingers or experiencing math anxiety? What does research say about teaching basic math facts so they will stick? In Math Fact Fluency, experts Jennifer Bay-Williams and Gina Kling provide the answers to these questions—and so much more. This book offers everything a teacher needs to teach, assess, and communicate with parents about basic math fact instruction, including The five fundamentals of fact fluency, which provide a research-based framework for effective instruction in the basic facts. Strategies students can use to find facts that are not yet committed to memory. More than 40 easy-to-make, easy-to-use games that provide engaging fact practice. More than 20 assessment tools that provide useful data on fact fluency and mastery. Suggestions and strategies for collaborating with families to help their children master the basic math facts. Math Fact Fluency is an indispensable guide for any educator who needs to teach basic facts. This approach to facts instruction, grounded in years of research, will transform students' learning of basic facts and help them become more confident, adept, and successful at math.

International Perspectives on Mathematics Teacher Education

TIME 2000: A mathematics teaching program. ... Recruiting and retaining secondary mathematics teachers: Lessons learned from an innovative, four-year, ... Children's mathematics: Cognitively guided instruction (2nd Ed.). Heinemann.

Author: Denisse R Thompson

Publisher: IAP

ISBN: 9781648026317

Category: Education

Page: 253

View: 937

Mathematics teacher education includes the mathematics content teachers need to understand, ways that pedagogical approaches are developed, messages about the nature of mathematics teaching and learning, and interfaces between tertiary preparation and school contexts. Scholars from Sweden, France, Malawi, Singapore, New Zealand, Brazil, the USA, and Canada provide insights for the mathematics education community's understanding of how teacher educators structure, develop, and implement their respective mathematics teacher education programs. Several themes emerged across the chapters, including: varied approaches to developing culturally responsive pedagogies and/or Indigenous perspectives; issues and challenges in fostering partnerships and collaborations; strategies for developing mathematics knowledge for teaching; and preparing flexible and resourceful teachers. Praise for International Perspectives on Mathematics Teacher Education: "International Perspectives on Mathematics Teacher Education explores different facets of mathematics teacher education in eight countries across five continents. The authors and editors answer important questions and open the door to critical conversations about policies and practices related to mathematics teacher recruitment, preparation, and professional development, among other topics. Every reader will develop new perspectives as they learn how one institution is engaging with Indigenous perspectives while other countries struggle with an insufficient supply of certified teachers. This book clearly demonstrates challenges, constraints, nuances and complexities to initiating and maintaining improvement across systems to enhance the work and spaces of mathematics teachers within different historical, cultural, social, and political contexts. This volume also generates ideas and opportunities for leaders, policymakers, and teacher educators to consider and learn from international colleagues about different approaches to mathematics teacher education practice and policy. Undoubtedly, debates about standards, content and experiences in programs, and accountability structures such as accreditation will continue. It is clear from the insights in this volume that strengthening mathematics teacher education will require stronger collaborations, frameworks, policies, infrastructure, and investments on a global scale and it will be critical to collaborate with and learn from colleagues in international settings. These conversations will require reciprocity, interdependence, and resilience as we pursue the ultimate goal of equipping the field of mathematics teacher education." Kathryn Chval Dean, College of Education Professor of Mathematics Education University of Illinois Chicago

Early Childhood Education

Young children benefit from a range of mathematical experiences, from the incidental and informal to the systematic and planned. ... In J. V. Copley, ed. Mathematics in the ... Children's mathematics: Cognitively guided instruction.

Author: Rebecca Staples New

Publisher: Greenwood Publishing Group

ISBN: 0313331014

Category: Child development

Page: 1379

View: 505

Engaging Young Children in Mathematics

In G.D.Nelson (Ed.), Dialogue on early childhood science, mathematics, and technology education (pp. ... Cognitively guided instruction. In S.N. ... Achievement results for second and third graders using the Standards-based curriculum.

Author: Douglas H. Clements

Publisher: Routledge

ISBN: 9780805842104

Category: Education

Page: 474

View: 348

Engaging Young Children in Mathematics: Standards for Early Childhood Mathematics Education brings together the combined wisdom of a diverse group of experts involved with early childhood mathematics. The book originates from the landmark 2000 Conference on Standards for Pre-kindergarten and Kindergarten Mathematics Education, attended by representatives from almost every state developing standards for young children's mathematics; federal government officials; mathematicians; mathematics educators; researchers from mathematics education, early childhood education, and psychology; curriculum developers; teachers; policymakers; and professionals from organizations such as the National Conference of Teachers of Mathematics and the National Association for the Education of Young Children. The main goal of the Conference was to work collectively to help those responsible for framing and implementing early childhood mathematics standards. Although it has its roots in the Conference, the expanded scope of the standards and recommendations covered in this book includes the full range of kindergarten to grade 2. The volume is organized into two main parts and an online appendix ( Part One, Major Themes and Recommendations, offers a framework for thinking about pre-kindergarten - grade 2 mathematics education and specific recommendations. Part Two, Elaboration of Major Themes and Recommendations, provides substantive detail regarding young students' understandings of mathematical ideas. Each Part includes five parallel subsections: "Standards in Early Childhood Education"; "Math Standards and Guidelines"; "Curriculum, Learning, Teaching, and Assessment"; "Professional Development"; and "Toward the Future: Implementation and Policy." As a whole the book: * presents comprehensive summaries of research that provide specific guidelines for standards, curriculum, and teaching; * takes the recent reports and recommendations for early childhood mathematics education to the next level; * integrates practical details and research throughout; and * provides a succinct, but thorough review of research on the topics, sequences, and learning trajectories that children can and should learn at each of their first years of life, with specific developmental guidelines that suggest appropriate content for each topic for each year from 2-year-olds to 7-year-olds. This is an indispensable volume for mathematics educators, researchers, curriculum developers, teachers and policymakers, including those who create standards, scope and sequences, and curricula for young children and professional teacher development materials, and students in mathematics education, early childhood trainers, teacher educators, and faculty in mathematics education.

International Perspectives on Gender and Mathematics Education

In B. Spodek & O. N. Saracho (Eds.), Handbook of research on the education of young children, 2nd ed. (pp. ... Learning to add and subtract: An exercise in problem solving. ... Children's mathematics: Cognitively guided instruction.

Author: Olof Steinthorsdottir

Publisher: IAP

ISBN: 9781617350436

Category: Education

Page: 467

View: 251

Why a book on gender issues in mathematics in the 21st century? Several factors have influenced the undertaking of this project by the editors. First, an international volume focusing on gender and mathematics has not appeared since publication of papers emerging from the 1996 International Congress on Mathematical Education (Keitel, 1998). Surely it was time for an updated look at this critical area of mathematics education. Second, we have had lively discussion and working groups on gender issues at conferences of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education [PME] for the past four years, sessions at which stimulating and ground-breaking research has been discussed by participants from many different countries. Some publication seemed essential to share this new knowledge emerging from a wider variety of countries and from different cultural perspectives. Third, some western countries such as Australia and the USA have experienced in recent years a focus on the "boy problem," with an underlying assumption that issues of females and mathematics have been solved and are no longer worthy of interest. Thus it seemed timely to look more closely at the issue of gender and mathematics internationally. When the idea for this volume first emerged, invitations were issued to those regularly attending the working and discussion groups at PME. Potential authors were charged to focus on gender issues in mathematics and were given wide scope to hone in on the issues that were central to their own research efforts, or were in receipt or in need of close attention in their own national or regional contexts.

Child Advocacy and Early Childhood Education Policies in the Caribbean

Children's mathematics: Cognitively guided instruction. ... Early childhood programming in the Caribbean region. ... In F. J. Lester (Ed.), Second handbook of research on mathematics teaching and learning (pp. 461– 555).

Author: Ilene R. Berson

Publisher: IAP

ISBN: 9781681232560

Category: Education

Page: 245

View: 592

This volume explores early childhood education policies and practices in the Caribbean. Early childhood development has gained increasing importance as part of national agendas to achieve social and economic goals. Regional guidelines and action plans have been developed, but progress across nations varies. Chapters in the book analyze child policies and issues, critically examine progress on alignment between policies and practices, and propose recommendations for advocacy and implementation that may advance the early childhood development agenda throughout the Caribbean. The book includes the perspectives of early childhood practitioners, policymakers, caregivers, representatives from family agencies as well as other key stakeholders in the education of young children. Across these diverse viewpoints is a shared commitment to children's well being and the necessity of an integrated response that captures the challenges and opportunities of early childhood development services and initiatives that are framed based on contextual relevance and cultural appropriateness. Part One includes chapters that advocate for national policies throughout the Caribbean to support young children. Chapters in Part Two call for quality early childhood programming that is based on the tenets of developmentally appropriate practice. Part Three considers the pedagogical dilemmas that arise in math and literacy when schools negate purposeful and engaging early childhood curriculum. Part Four presents various perspectives on child protection and the necessary infrastructure of policies and practices to ensure cognitive, social, and physical development of young children in the Caribbean. This important resource promotes critical discourse on the current status of children and efforts that have been developed to effectively advocate for the rights of the young.

The Routledge International Handbook of Research on Dialogic Education

In J. Boaler (Ed.), Multiple Perspectives on Mathematics Teaching and Learning: International Perspectives on Mathematics Education (pp. 171–200). ... Children's Mathematics: Cognitively Guided Instruction (2nd edn).

Author: Neil Mercer

Publisher: Routledge

ISBN: 9780429806759

Category: Education

Page: 690

View: 868

The Routledge International Handbook of Research on Dialogic Education provides a comprehensive overview of the main ideas and themes that make up the exciting and diverse field of Dialogic Education. With contributions from the world's leading researchers, it describes underpinning theoretical approaches, debates, methodologies, evidence of impact, how Dialogic Education relates to different areas of the curriculum and ways in which work in this field responds to the profound educational challenges of our time. The handbook is divided into seven sections, covering: The theory of Dialogic Education Classroom dialogue Dialogue, teachers and professional development Dialogic Education for literacy and language Dialogic Education and digital technology Dialogic Education in science and mathematics Dialogic Education for transformative purposes Expertly written and researched, the handbook marks the coming of age of Dialogic Education as an important and distinctive area of applied educational research. Featuring chapters from authors working in different educational contexts around the world, the handbook is of international relevance and provides an invaluable resource for researchers and students concerned with the study of educational dialogue and allied areas of socio-cultural research. It will interest students on PhD programmes in Education Faculties, Master's level courses in Education and postgraduate teacher-training courses. The accounts of results achieved by high-impact research projects around the world will also be very valuable for policy makers and practitioners.

Proceedings of the Nineteenth Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society

Cognition and Instruction , 6 287-318 . ... Cognitively Guided Instruction : Children's thinking about Whole Numbers . ... How to Solve It : A New Aspect of Mathematical Method , 2nd edition , Princeton , NJ : Princeton .

Author: Cognitive Science Society (U.S.). Conference

Publisher: Psychology Press

ISBN: 0805829415

Category: Psychology

Page: 1109

View: 636

This volume of proceedings contains papers and posters on topics in all areas of cognitive science. It will be of interest to researchers, students, and professionals in these areas,including cognitive and applied psychology, AI, HCI, & computer science.