
Ks1 Mathematics Test 2009 Answers

  • National Curriculum Assessments 2016
  • 2016 SATS KS1 and KS2
  • 2016 sample SATS
  • 2015 SATS
  • 2014 SATS papers
  • 2013 SATS papers
  • KS2 2012 SATS papers
  • KS2 2011 SATS papers
  • 2010 and 2009 SATS papers
  • SATS papers from 2003 on - search under the required subject and key stage in the Worksheet Finder
  • Practice and revision papers
  • Years 3, 4 and 5 threshold levels
  • Sample revision questions
  • Key stage 1 SATS
  • Key stage 2 SATS
  • Key stage 3 SATS
  • Optional SATS papers
  • Progress tests
  • Test dates
  • Books for SATS revision

All you need to help your child with SATS

This page is an introduction to our pages on SATS (Standard Attainment Tests) and SATS revision. Officially called 'National Curriculum teacher assessments and key stage tests', we have used the terminology familiar to most schools and to parents.  Below are illustrated just some examples of the many SATS papers available to our members.  We also show a selection from our SATS revision papers to help improve your child's results. SATS papers from 2003 onwards, including papers for more able and less able, all the KS1 papers which are allowed to be published and more revision papers are available through our Worksheet Finder .

2019 SATS Test dates

Key stage 1

Key stage 1 test period May 2019

Phonics screening check week Week commencing Monday 10 June 2019

Key stage 2

Monday 13 May 2019  English grammar, punctuation and spelling Paper 1: questions  English grammar, punctuation and spelling Paper 2: spelling
 Tuesday 14 May 2019 English reading
Wednesday 15 May 2019  Mathematics Paper 1: arithmetic  Mathematics Paper 2: reasoning
 Thursday 16 May 2019  Mathematics Paper 3: reasoning

National Curriculum Assessments 2016

The new national curriculum was assessed for the first time in May 2016. There were new tests for key stage 1, as well as key stage 2.
What the tests covered:
The tests covered English reading, English grammar, punctuation and spelling, and mathematics at key stages 1 and 2. There will also be a key stage 2 science sampling test every other year.
Test frameworks
Test frameworks are available for each test. The frameworks are written primarily for test developers, however teachers may also be interested in them. Each test framework sets out:

  • what will and won't be assessed by the test
  • how each element of the subject will be assessed
  • the proposed structure of the test
  • the standard a child will be expected to achieve in the test

National curriculum tests take up to 3 years to develop. The process includes 2 rounds of expert review of each potential question as well as 2 trials with children. We may make small changes as a result of this work; however, we do not expect the main elements of the frameworks to change.
The test frameworks do not provide information on how you should teach the new national curriculum. You should not use the frameworks to guide teaching and learning.
Sample materials
We have published a small number of sample questions for each key stage and subject. These documents illustrate new question types that will be included in tests from 2016. They also indicate how some of the new curriculum content will be assessed.
How the tests will be administered
Key stage 1
We will provide information online and via emails to headteachers once decisions have been made. Administration and marking guidance will be provided with the live tests.
Key stage 2
The key stage 2 tests will be administered and marked in the same way as the current tests.
Further information
During the 2015 summer term we published:

  • a full set of sample tests and mark schemes for each of the national curriculum tests at key stages 1 and 2
  • guidance on how the results of national curriculum tests will be reported, including an explanation of scaled scores
  • final test frameworks

Standards and Testing Agency documentation on KS1 and KS2 SATS, and the Phonics Screening Check can be found at this link.

Link to information source Crown Copyright

Key stage 1 SATS

Key stage 2 SATS

Optional Tests

Understanding Progress

Understanding progress in mathematics

SATS key stage 1 and 2 affect nearly all children aged 7 years old (KS1) and 11 years old (KS2). Do you understand tboy at deskhe implications, the ways to help and revise and the exact format of the papers?  Some books bought in the shops do not illustrate the exact format although the content may be the same; however, there are may sets of papers available for purchase - see below for samples. We have replicated the standards required and the subject content for each age group in our papers created especially for Parents in Touch.

At the age of 7, your child will be required to take tests. These tests are primarily to enable teachers to learn more about the strengths and weaknesses of each individual pupil. Each pupil will have been working at their own rate and some will find maths easier than reading or vice versa. As each child will normally have followed the Literacy  and Numeracy syllabus as laid down by the government they should be ready to take the tests

There is no notion of 'pass' or 'fail'. The aim is to let you know how well your child is progressing in relation to national expectations; to tell the next school or teacher what each child needs to learn next; and to inform each school about how well it is teaching aspects of the National Curriculum. Each class teacher will be aware of the strengths and weaknesses of each child and as they are very young there is no pressure or desire for the child to do anything else but their best. What a child cannot do at seven they will find easier at eight. Education is NOT a race or even an absolute science.


KS1 SATS maths question
Jack worked out the answer to this sum 54+36=90.
Show how he worked it out
boy with sweet KS1 SATS English question What a happy boy! What do you think he is going to do with this large 'cane'? Is it magic? Will it bring him all the things he might want? Write your ideas about the picture.

Practice and Revision Papers We have illustrated below just a few of the wide range available. To see all our papers, search under the required subject and key stage in the Worksheet Finder

Key stage 1 SATS-type question papers: English

Key stage 1 SATS question papers:maths

Key stage 1 maths SATS revision paper

Maths key stage 1 paper 1 with answers

Revision & guidance for KS1 maths SATS 2

SATS type maths KS1

Key stage 2 SATS

2018 SATS Test dates

Key stage 1

Key stage 1 test period May 2018

Phonics screening check week Week commencing Monday 11 June 2018

Key stage 2

The key stage 2 tests are timetabled from Monday 8 May to Thursday 11 May 2017. There is no science sampling for the 2016 to 2017 academic year.

Monday 14 May 2018  English grammar, punctuation and spelling Paper 1: questions  English grammar, punctuation and spelling Paper 2: spelling
  Tuesday 15 May 2018 English reading
Wednesday 16 May 2018  Mathematics Paper 1: arithmetic  Mathematics Paper 2: reasoning
 Thursday 17 May 2018  Mathematics Paper 3: reasoning
KS2 maths question 5.01 + 0.5 =

KS2 English question The three teenagers were at the start of an exciting adventure in the snow. Was the abominable snowman real or not? They were about to find out. Write your account of their adventure and describe what they found, who was brave, and how they solved the myth!

KS2 science question
Select 3 things that are alive:

  • a butterfly on a leaf
  • a teapot
  • a pebble
  • an earthworm
  • a flowering plant
  • a toy train

Revision papers to help with key stage 2 SATS.


Key stage 2 Maths


Key stage 2 maths test paper


Maths paper SATS


Revision and guidance for key stage 2 maths



Writing task


Spelling test for KS2


KS2 English SATS-type Animals



KS2 SATS science


KS2 SATS type science paper 3


KS2 science SATS-type paper


Science paper for Year 6



Level Threshold Tables 2015

English reading

English grammar, punctuation
and spelling
Level Mark range Mark range Mark range
N 0 - 10 0 - 22 0 - 15
2 - - 16 - 18
3 11 - 17 23 - 42 19 - 45
4 18 - 32 43 - 53 46 - 78
5 33 - 50 54 - 70 79 - 100

Level Threshold Tables 2014

Level threshold tables for the levels 3-5 tests

English reading

English grammar, punctuation and spelling Mathematics
Level Mark range Mark range Mark range
N 0 - 11 0 - 24 0 - 14
2 - - 15 - 17
3 12 - 18 25 - 44 18 - 45
4 19 - 31 45 - 54 46 - 78
5 32 - 50 55 - 70 79 - 100

Level threshold tables for the level 6 tests

English reading

English grammar, punctuation and spelling Mathematics
Level 6 achieved? Mark range Mark range Mark range
No 0 - 23 0 - 31 0 - 31
Yes 24 - 34 32 - 50 32 - 50

Level Threshold Tables 2013

Level threshold tables for the levels 3-5 tests

English reading

English grammar, punctuation and spelling Mathematics
Level Mark range Mark range Mark range
N 0 - 10 0 - 24 0 - 14
2 - - 15 - 17
3 11 - 18 25 - 43 18 - 44
4 19 - 35 44 - 53 45 - 78
5 36 - 50 54 - 70 79 - 100

Level threshold tables for the level 6 tests

English reading

English grammar, punctuation and spelling Mathematics
Level 6 achieved? Mark range Mark range Mark range
No 0 - 21 0 - 36 0 - 32
Yes 22 - 33 37 - 50 33 - 50

Level Threshold Tables 2012

Schools can use these tables to convert test marks into National Curriculum levels. To be awarded an overall level 6 in a subject, a child must achieve both a level 5 in the end of Key Stage 2 test and pass the level 6 test for that subject.

Level threshold tables for the level 3-5 tests

English: reading English: writing Mathematics
Level Mark range Mark range Mark range
N 0–10 0–10 0–14
2 - - 15–17
3 11–17 11–22 18–45
4 18–32 23–35 46–78
5 33–50 36–50 79–100

Level threshold tables for the level 6 tests

English: reading Mathematics
Level 6 achieved? Mark range Mark range
No 0–18 0–33
Yes 19–30 34–50

© Crown copyright

Optional tests

We have a wide range of optional-type papers. A few are illustrated here, the rest can be found in the Worksheet Finder under SATS type and Revision papers.

Maths optional-type Year 3


Maths optional-type Year 4


Maths optional-type Year 5


Revision & guidance Year 4 optional maths


Year 3 optional English reading paper


Year 4 optional English In touch with nature


Year 5 optional spelling task Footprints in space


Year 5 optional reading task


KS3 SATS Although pupils no longer formally sit SATS, past papers are excellent for revision and some schools still use the papers. Use the Worksheet Finder to locate them.

KS3 maths question

In the number 4.536, what is the value of the figure 3?

KS3 English question

Your school is holding Summer holiday courses. They are compiling a brochure to attract people to attend the courses, The brochure should describe what is on offer, who might be eligible to attend, and the precise timings of the courses. You should include your own ideas, favourites and what people will achieve by joining.
Write an entry for the brochure about an activity you as a teenager would enjoy.

KS3 science question

Muscle cells can contract.
Give one reason why muscles are needed in the intestine.

Progress Tests

Progress tests can be found in the Worksheet Finder under Sats type and Revision papers.

KS2 Maths SAT Buster - Number

Once again, CGP's trademark friendly style brings a set of revision guides which will provide excellent practice in the build up to SATS as well as for general reinforcement of learning. It contains SATS-style practice on every number topic - Number and Proportion, Written and Mental Calculations, and Problem Solving with Number. Each of these is further sub-divided into smaller section, giving 14 areas of study in all. Answers to all three of these books are available in a separate Answer Book KS2 Maths SAT Buster - Number, Shape, Measures and Data Answer Book.

KS2 Maths SAT Buster - Shape, Measures and Data

This book is divided into three sections with further sub-divisions so it is easy to find the chosen topic. There are generally six questions for each topic although some more complex topics have more questions. It's good to see that the publishers have considered just how much each topic requires rather than being constrained to a set number of questions regardless of the complexity of the topic. The questions and diagrams are clear and easy to follow. The questions can be tackled in one or two sessions of study, giving children just the right amount of reinforcement without them getting bored.

KS2 Maths SAT Buster - Mental Maths (with online audio tests)

There are hundreds of questions covering everything from doubling to division, angles to algebra, perimeters to percentages and much more. There are 15 different topics with two or more pages of questions. In the centre of the book are four realistic Mental Maths practice tests with free online audio files for each one. Taken together, these three guides will cover all the key areas in a succinct and enjoyable way. Using these books is an excellent way to build your child's confidence and reassure them - and you - that they are on the right track. CGP, with their touches of humour, make learning approachable and fun and always focus closely on the curriculum so parents can be confident they are giving their child the best help possible.

Question Bank - Punctuation, Grammar and Writing Tests (How English Works) by Julie Kourdi

Teachers can use these practice tests to build children's confidence and ability in preparation for the English language tests that form part of KS2 SATS - especially the SPAG test. For those not taking tests, they will consolidate skills;  consolidate knowledge and how grammar and punctuation works and point out areas which need extra work.  It is an ideal resource for teachers - designed to help their students gain practice and become familiar with the different types of questions in formal tests. There are 3 tests - one Level 5 and two Level 6 and these are in test format so a great way to prepare children.

Question Bank - Spelling Tests (How English Works) by Julie Kourdi

These practice tests will build children's confidence and ability in the run up to KS2 SATS. They also provide useful revision for anyone studying English as we all need to spell correctly! It's a comprehensive book - 220 pages in all, with three spelling papers, plus answers and progress checks. The tests are not in SATS format - they are more detailed and offer greater opportunity for learning and consolidation. Also included is a useful selection of word lists for self-assessment.

KS2 English: Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling Study Book from CGP Books

As we have come to expect from CGP, this is an approachable colourful and easy-to-read study book. It covers everything KS2 students will need to know about Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling for the English SATS. As well as being an important part of SATS, these are also essential skills for everyday life and skills which are needed in virtually every school subject, so it is vital that children have a good grasp of the concepts. This is facilitated by the examples which demonstrate each point and the recap questions for every topic and exam-style tasks at the end of each section enable parents and teachers to check understanding. The layout and use of colour make the book both attractive and easy to use and there are lots of humorous cartoons to keep the student interested.

KS2 Maths SATs Practice Papers - Level 6 from CGP Books

Once children have gained confidence by using the two books described above, move on to the next step with these three full sets of realistic Level 6 Practice Tests for Key Stage Two Maths. As the Level 6 tests have recently been re-introduced, there are not so many sample papers available so these are a valuable resource, being fully up-to-date for the latest tests and ideal to increase confidence before sitting the actual test. A detailed answer book is also included, with a guide to how the marks are assigned to each question.

Grammar,Punctuation and Spelling Test Levels 3-5 (Practice Papers National Tests) by Lesley Fletcher

There is always controversy over whether children should be 'coached' for SATS' but we include revision papers and book reviews so parents have the choice and know what is available if they choose to support their child's learning and enhance confidence by doing practice papers. In view of the 2013 changes and the introduction of the Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling tests, these papers are very useful as there are no past papers to refer to. For that reason, these packs will be much appreciated by teachers as well as parents. The pack includes three complete tests and mark schemes, as well as clear guidance for parents, pupils an teachers about what is expected at Levels 3-5.

English Reading Test Level 6 (Practice Papers National Tests) by Paul Hollin

As the Level 6 test has only recently been reintroduced, there are not many past papers available to use, so tbs will be a welcome addition to resources. It includes three complete tests, together with the mark schemes, in the exact format as the actual tests. The passages are well chosen and the questions sufficiently challenging to give children an excellent feel for the real test, and thereby enhance their confidence. As with the other packs, this includes support and practical guidance for the tests.

Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling Test Level 6 (Practice Papers National Tests) by Lesley Fletcher

Give your child confidence for the tests by encouraging and supporting them to work through these papers. They can be tackled as complete papers, or just a section at a time - either way, you will be helping your child's preparation. Or, if you want to do a little extra work over the summer holiday, these would be excellent preparation for moving on to secondary school. The papers are as authentic as possible and based closely on the real tests.

Maths Level 6 (Practice Papers National Tests) by Paul Hollin

If your child is assessed as being suitable to take the Level 6 papers, this pack will be an excellent resource for practice and preparation, so he knows what is expected to reach this level - mark schemes are included. Again, this is a valuable resource for teachers who will appreciate another set of papers for revision. These are based closely on the actual papers and give clear guidance as to what is expected.

A note of caution though - I have found some mistakes in these papers. On looking at other reviews, I see that others have noticed too. Scholastic are aware of the and the errors will be rectified in the next reprint.

Ks1 Mathematics Test 2009 Answers


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